Implantation Journey - eBook
With Freud we accepted that our early childhood essentially shapes and is therefore the architect of our adulthood. With Jung we accepted that forces from the collective unconscious structure and order our lives, motivate us and influence our condition as individuals. Why then is it still taboo to appreciate the impacts of early prenatal life upon every human system, including the psyche? Prenatal life, especially before the second trimester, is the bridge between the collective unconscious and human experience…
32 pgs. PDF
Post Conception Fallopian Tube Journey
The Fall
Uterine Exploration
Implantation and its Sub Stages
Umbilical Affect - eBook
All babies develop substantial relationships with their umbilical cord and the term “Umbilical Affect” (originated by Francis Mott and elaborated upon by Frank Lake) is used to describe the many effects that the umbilical cord and its contents have upon the baby. The term encompasses how the effects make the baby feel, and how the baby expresses its feelings. A successful implantation results in the development of the umbilical cord and the placenta–the baby’s lifeline: its food supply, its way of excreting, its oxygen supply, its communication line, receiving information about the moods, and even the personal experiences of the mother, and in turn signalling to the mother. It is the baby’s “periscope” to the world, and the placenta, like the tree of life, feeds the baby at the literal and symbolic level.
37 pgs. PDF
Umbilical Affect: A Historical Perspective
- Placental imagery
- The development of a theory of umbilical affect
- Frank Lake’s categories of umbilical affect
- Hierarchy of response to umbilical affect
1/ The phenomenology of umbilical affect
2/ Umbilical Affect constellates through the cord
3/ First Trimester Umbilical Affect
4/ Hyper-recruitment of nutrients
5/ Inherited Emotion Syndrome
6/ Umbilical Affect Phenomena
7/ Other Umbilical Affect Phenomena
8/ Second and Third Trimester Umbilical Affect
9/ Perinatal Umbilical Affect
10/ Postnatal Umbilical Affect
11/ Umbilical Affect in Theory and Practice
12/ Resolution Techniques
The Egg Journey - eBook
Each of us has indeed experienced our development through an amazing number of prenatal lives and deaths, and through unusual biologic metamorphoses. The sperm and egg from which we come either die, or change beyond recognition. Our early fetal development is biologically indistinguishable from that of other mammals. Yet our humanness persists as each of the other forms emerge then vanish. And where and who are we all this time? When does the individual self, or the soul, manifest within the ever-changing cellular turmoil that leads us eventually toward birth?
38 pgs. PDF
Stage I - Slumber Party (pre-ovulatory)
Stage 2 - Ovulation
Stage 3 - Drift
Stage 4 - Odyssey (preconception fallopian tube journey)
Stage 5 - Conception
De Reis Van de Zaadcel - eBook
The Sperm Journey (Dutch version) - eBook
De reis van de zaadcellen lijkt op veel manieren op de zoektocht naar de Heilige Graal. Slechts weinigen, de besten, sterksten en edelsten van onze mannen, ondernemen de zoektocht naar het allerheiligste object (het enige vat dat de kracht heeft om leven te creëren en te behouden: de eicel).
34 pgs. PDF
De reis van de zaadcellen
Fase 1: Rust
Fase 2: Ejaculatie
Fase 3: Massale sterfte
Fase 4: Wedergeboorte / Trekking
Fase 5: Bevruchting
Baby Therapy For Professionals - eBook
This 90-page eBook includes everything you need to know about the main Baby Therapy concepts, including the 6 foundations of Baby Therapy, a glossary of Baby Therapy Terminology, and the history case about Baby Graham, an adopted baby who saw Karlton many years ago.
90 pgs. PDF
- How everything started for me
- Why Baby Therapy?
- What is Implicit Memory?
- Lie Side, Somato Magnetism and Baby Body Language The Birth Mask
The 6 Foundations of Baby Therapy
- Establishing the Relational Field
- Permission Theory
- Tracking Perinatal Signs
- Tracking Prenatal Signs
- Initiating Contact with the Baby Simulation Continuity, Completing the Session and
- Transferring the Relational Field
A Case Study: Graham
A Glossary of Baby Therapy Terminology
The concept of the Relational Field is introduced as an invisible but powerful force that surrounds and influences every interaction in a therapeutic setting. In baby therapy, this field is crucial because it involves not just the therapist and the baby, but also the family, the environment, and the shared dynamics among them.
By mastering this skill, therapists become deeply aware of the unseen but impactful dynamics that play out during each session. As the therapist learns to align their intentions with the highest good for the baby and family, they gain the ability to create a space where healing can occur more naturally and with greater ease.
Learning to cultivate and fine-tune the Relational Field becomes the first critical step in any foundational course for baby therapy because it sets the groundwork for all future interactions.
Once the therapist understands and can work within the Relational Field, the next step is to engage with Permission Theory. This concept is about recognizing the need to seek permission from multiple sources—the baby, the parents, the therapist’s own self, the family’s psyche, and even the higher cosmic or spiritual forces that may be guiding the session.
While the Relational Field gives the therapist the ability to perceive and influence the dynamics at play, Permission Theory teaches them to evaluate their actions before they intervene. It ensures that the therapist does not act impulsively or from a place of projection, but rather from a place of deep respect and alignment with the baby’s needs.
About the Online Baby Therapy Course?
The Online Baby Therapy Course (OBTC) is designed to provide therapists with the tools to understand and respond to baby body language (BBL) with accuracy and empathy. The course includes six modules, each offering in-depth teachings on key therapeutic concepts. Level 1: The Relational Field lays the foundation by teaching how to create and nurture a therapeutic space, while Level 2: Permission Theory builds on that foundation by focusing on the importance of permission in every session.
By mastering these principles, you’ll not only improve your practice but also deepen your understanding of how to ethically and compassionately care for babies and their families.

This course is designed for therapists, practitioners, and healthcare professionals who work with babies and young children, including: Baby Practitioners, Craniosacral Practitioners, NICU Nurses, Doulas & Postpartum Doulas, Pediatricians, Pre- & Perinatal Educators, Bodyworkers, Osteopaths, Midwives, Lactation Consultants, OBGYNs, Psychotherapists.
Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting in baby therapy, this webinar will provide valuable insights that can transform your practice.
Get Access Now and Start learning about Baby Therapy!
Take your baby therapy practice to the next level by enrolling in Level 1: Establishing the Relational Field OR Level 2: Permission Theory today. We are working to release Clas 3 really soon. If you need more information about how Baby Therapy can help your clients, my eBook ‘Baby Therapy for Professionals - An inside look into my personal approach helping babies heal from implicit memories’ is a great way to start.
Meet Karlton Terry
World-renowned pioneer in Pre- and Perinatal sciences and Baby Therapy. His extensive research and hands-on experience have led to groundbreaking insights that have transformed the way professionals approach baby body language, attachment, and early childhood development.
Karlton has taught workshops across the Americas and Europe and is known for his compassionate, deeply insightful approach to baby therapy. This webinar is an opportunity to learn directly from him, in a flexible, on-demand format.