March’s Upcoming Events
Monthly Live Thematic Discussion
Unintentional Obstetrical Abuse Series: At the Hands of Titans
Part 1: Why are our babies born in fear and pain? - FREE
Sunday, March 16th, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Eastern Time
Who is responsible for the decline and deterioration of human culture? Why are our babies born in fear and pain? Why is anger hubris and violence overtaking the world? The secret is out.
Join us for our three part series, Obstetrical Abuse: at the Hands of Titans. How does obstetrical abuse harm the individual and degrade human culture? Why is it universally permissible?
Part 1: Why are our babies born in fear and pain?
Part 2: The Disempowerment of Motherhood
Part 3: Unresolved trauma lurk like a virus generating more traumas
This ~90-minute discussion is FREE
Any kind of therapy starts with intake and an assessment session. If you have been a practitioner for a while or even many years, you will have your own routine and protocol.
What are aspects to look out for when working with pre- and perinatal topics?
In this class, Karlton will address the specific requirements for intake and assessment (live or on Zoom) in the context of pre- and perinatal therapy. From his wealth of experience, Karlton will share with us how to best construct a personal historical architecture for a baby or adult client.
ASK KT - Intake and Assessment in Pre- and Perinatal Therapy
Sunday, March 13th, 2025
2:00 PM Eastern Time