A Lost Twin, or Vanishing Twin Syndrome is the phenomenon that occurs when two or more twins have been conceived, but only one of them is born.

Twins can vanish at any time, but evidence shows that usually they "leave" in the first trimester, and therefore are usually never known about by the parents.

Some twins don't "vanish" after their souls leave. Then little lifeless bodies of different ages and sizes, depending on how long they stuck around, are born with the survivor.

Some "twins" vanish before they embody at all, but are experienced by the survivor as a kind of "soul mate" who came along to ensure safe arrival. Pretty much the same as a twin.

Did She Have a Twin?

Who would have thought?

We began the session thinking we would probably be working with Flora’s birth issues. 

Expectations, hmmm… No matter what you think you want to do, it’s best to be open enough to see what wants to happen, and obey the instructions coming from the relational field, and the collective psyche in the room.

To watch the entire session and access the new KTBT Twins Archive, you need to subscribe to KTBT’s Premium Membership.

Every time I have accompanied someone to discover and connect with their lost twin they got the auspicious opportunity to remember together what happened, to learn from each other, and to have what a chance to say goodbye under their own terms...

the whole world rotates a little smoother. And when they realize they can still be there for each other, that they can connect now and from now on, the whole Cosmos rotates a little smoother, and expands with a slightly bigger smile on its infinite face.

Karlton Terry

A Chance To Say Goodbye

This is a video of a baby getting to do a “Re-Over”. What a wonderful, empowering way to be able to say a loving goodbye, and then move on.

Over the last three decades, the number of clients and students who are dealing with Twin issues has increased substantially.

I have found, and am ready to share, many good protocols to help. It seems that this is becoming a portal to the "other world", the one we all come from.

I am surprised that the "messengers" seem to be these lost twins who are showing up so frequently, and, of course, babies come to us from this world.

"I can’t believe the pain and suffering I have experienced over my life searching and wanting deep connections and feeling lost or “not fitting in”.

And now knowing consciously the answer to my experiences is so soothing, and calming.

Your Twin work was so healing, it has projected me forward in all areas of my life & with greater acceptance of myself." 

Linda Hayes-Cooper

If you are interested in a private vanishing twin session: