Private BMR Sessions for You or Your Child
90 minute private BMR session with KT
$300 includes BMR diagram and session recording.
A private BMR with a baby therapy practitioner supervised by KT is 90 minutes for $195.
Students who are enrolled in a BMR training can receive a Private BMR Session with KT for $150.
Private Session for You or Private Session for Your Baby
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Description text goes here
A private therapy session for your baby with a practitioner supervised by KT.
A private Pre and Perinatal Session with a KT supervised practitioner.
BMR sessions with KT and KTBT practitioners are for pre & perinatal issues and education. KT is not a licensed psychologist or psychotherapist.
Private and Group Practitioner Supervisions
Receive 90 minutes of one to one supervision with KT
KT conducts thematic group study for practitioners and those wanting to dive deeper into KT’s illuminations and protocols.