Private BMR Sessions for You or Your Child

Private Session for You or Private Session for Your Baby

  • Description text goes here
  • Description text goes here
  • A private therapy session for your baby with a practitioner supervised by KT.

  • A private Pre and Perinatal Session with a KT supervised practitioner.

BMR sessions with KT and KTBT practitioners are for pre & perinatal issues and education. KT is not a licensed psychologist or psychotherapist.

Private and Group Practitioner Supervisions

  • Receive 90 minutes of one to one supervision with KT

  • KT conducts thematic group study for practitioners and those wanting to dive deeper into KT’s illuminations and protocols.

Baby and adult therapy sessions with KT and KTBT practitioners are for pre & perinatal issues and education. KT is not a licensed psychologist or psychotherapist.