Through this 2-Level BMR (Birth Mask Reveal) Training, KT works with practitioners and parents who will learn how to create and read a BMR diagram. BMRs instantly give practitioners/parents essential information that sometimes takes multiple sessions to access in the normal course of practice.

This compassionate diagnostic lens adds a whole new dimension to your practice when working with both children and adults. Parents and other connected parties will learn how to see their babies more clearly and learn how to better understand and support them.

The training is taken online through live webinars that are recorded for use by the participants.

Birth Mask Reveal Course

Level I - Basic Mapping -  In this course, consisting of four classes, participants learn the process of mapping the baby’s/client’s face to reveal the markers of cranial and facial molding caused by compression and drag forces during birth. Evaluating the Birth Mask enables you to appreciate clues to the physical and psycho-emotional story of a person’s birth. Parents as well as a diverse range of practitioners can benefit from this information to support their babies, children, and clients, respectively, in an efficient and compassionate manner.  When the traces of trauma are acknowledged, most human beings are instantly moved to compassion, and a deeper field of “holding” opens. By recognizing the unheard stories every baby has–including the baby in our adult clients and even ourselves–we see a clear path to issues where a soul needs the most support.

Level II - Now that you know how to do your own BMR diagrams, and now that you know how to read a detailed BMR, WHAT’S NEXT?

Level II is designed to satisfy your personal curiosity and professional needs as a practitioner who is sensitive to the power of birth imprints and implicit memories. With a BMR you can tell where an imprint (an injury, a trauma) happened, and therefore where its implicit memory is stored. In Level II, you will gain the confidence to be sure you are able to recognize the Prominent Presenter and you will learn how to illuminate the Prominent Presenter in order to reveal where in the birth process the most important event happened: the Critical Birth Conundrum, the “CBC” - where we will do our detective work! 

You will learn the location of the CBC in the birth canal and how to tell when it happened during the 4 main stages, as well as which of the many substages were involved. There may be a secondary or tertiary CBC. As you become adept at knowing which stage and substage, or combination of stages, an imprint occurred, you will be able to recognize the psychological consequences that were most likely to have been constellated, and which therapeutic implements of the Pre & Perinatal Sciences can help.

Karlton will teach you the following through discussion, live demonstrations, and role modeling:

  • How to navigate regressive material while working online

  • How to help heal the maladies once they and their root causes have been clearly identified 

  • Standard birth-stage related healing protocols

  • Basic and advanced perinatal treatments

  • Empowerment meditations and mantras 

  • How to apply the P & P Sciences in your own practice, enlightening you to understand a deeper use of your existing skills and tools

Above all, Level II is designed to give you confidence. It will help you know how to consistently establish a safe relational field, enclosing you and your clients.  It will teach you how to prioritize perinatal issues as they present in your client, and how toexamine body language [baby body language, somato-magnetism, fixed-mask features, visual and vocal prosody, and anatomical artifacts] so that you can relax and explore, with enlightened comprehension, the antecedent perinatal psychological terrain in which you are working. This foundational understanding enables you to settle in your own body* and feel comfortable holding the relational field. This confidence is the key ingredient to invoke healing in the deepest realms, working within the heart of what the baby or client deserves.

This training course is suitable for anyone working in the P&P field and parents interested in supporting themselves or their baby or child through challenges they are experiencing. BMRs support practitioners to identify the prominent birth imprints and implicit memories, the “bull’s eye”, so they can be confident that they are working efficiently and accurately. Having a BMR on each client means you are holding insight into that client with intelligence, accurate empathy, and informed compassion that would otherwise take much longer to develop.

Course Cost $500

Practitioner Referral Team/Supervision Program - After completing the 2-level BMR training, students earn a certificate of completion and can be considered for the Supervision Program and Practitioner Referral Team.

Find a BMR Course!

In an effort to make KTs BMR Training available to as many students as possible, we work with several wonderful institutions and organizers who serve different time zones and languages. All courses are in English. Please look through our partners below to find the course that’s right for you.

Please reach out to with any questions.

Offering education opportunities in the field of birth psychology for the past 40 years across the globe, the Association of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health will be hosting live online BMR courses. Students from around the world are welcome. Training and administrative support is in English.

Based in the UK, Our Birth Journey is currently offering Live courses for Level-I and Level-II of the BMR Training. They’re also offering a Video course for the BMR Level-I training.

Organizing online webinars and workshops across Belgium and the Netherlands, Birth Imprints offers live online BMR courses. Course organizing is conducted in English, Dutch, and German. Students from all over the globe are welcome. The Training is in English.

Having organized KT’s courses for decades, Claudia Versluis and IPPE Austria organize live BMR webinars that serve German-speaking students in European time zones. All webinar admin and organizing is performed in German while all course instruction and content is in English.

Bringing together a community of birthing professionals across Australia and New Zealand, Echos of Birth will be hosting all 3 Levels of our BMR courses. Courses will take place in time zones suitable for practitioners working in Australia and New Zealand starting in May 2023.

The best way to learn about new courses is through our Newsletter. We’re working hard to expand KT’s course offerings across more platforms to reach as many baby-lovers as possible! We hope that you’ll join our Newsletter to stay up to date on course offerings and other exciting news.

Find out when new courses are open for registration!